Study Art
Unnumbered book of loosely bound copies of paintings which
appear to have watercolor beginnings and digital endings. Included in this sending were three other
books and three prints from a “set of single cards”, a series of 39, numbered
1, 10 and 11.
“for breeding or bounty
for fun or fame
for prestige or spite
for style or glory
for pride or power
for profit or hobby”
This book is based on the words/work of John Waters from an
exhibition in Baltimore:
"This is a weirdly Baltimore-based work," Waters said.
"Many years ago, there was a real sign for a real art
school in Baltimore on St. Paul Street below 25th Street. It said, 'Study Art
for profit or hobby,' which is about the most politically incorrect thing you
can say if you're an artist. I loved the sign and was astounded by it. It was
completely unironic, and I decided to parody it."
And Peter decided to interpret it.